Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Seachma & Camera


That's what this place is called. How do I know?
How do I know?
This SkypeUser815 person has been here recently, and knows about it.
I even saw them, I heard the sound of thunder and looked outside to see the person in red (the creator of the channel) being dragged by The Director.


I got my camera back, I found it in a desk drawer, nothing was on it, so I'll be recording a lot more often.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Guess What One of You Found

Guess What One of You Found

Using the 'puzzle' The Director left on this blog one of you guys went to a drive in movie theater in Tulsa, Oklahoma and found...
Well, that's not true, they did find something. A thumb drive with a couple photos on it.

These pictures seem to be of the same thing I saw when I went upstairs...
Doing a google image search for those led me to a youtube channel called 'The Two Amigos'
Unfortunately before I could look into it more my laptop shut down.
On this thumb drive, there was a picture of something I think might help me figure out who I am.
Doing a google image search for this led to another channel called 'SkypeUser815' 
And this time I was able to watch all of the videos, there being about twenty.
So thank you, unknown person who shared this with me.